

The Unintended Legacy of Simple Linkage Series

This is simply a reflection of my Simple Linkage Series that I have made by whim, after a little conversation about it at The Workshop discord. As a result of that conversation, it has encouraged me to take a look at the SLS since 4-5 years ago. And I just wanted to let my regards out based on what I have saw.


The Beginning

Back when UPSBv4 was still active, there were features that allowed users to make groups that acted as a 'mini-forum' inside the whole forum that was only disclosed to the members of the group. Usually these groups consisted of PS teams, game enthusiasts, etc.


I forgot who, but one day a spinner that I knew back then invited me to this group called PVG(I have also forgot what the abbreviation stood for). The group was intended to have experienced spinners to teach beginners linkages primarily and possibly other stuff. There was a problem where the linkages that one of the tutors brought to the table were too difficult for the beginners to conceive.


And I think that was when I began creating the Simple Linkage Series, hence in the video titles of the first videos had 'PVG.' Also marking the beginning of a tutorial series that many beginning spinners recognize.


Looking at it now

I don't intend to write all my intentions of SLS here, because all the intentions that I had in later SLS were rather developed through hindsight. The genuine motive at first was really to help those beginner spinners who were in that group. Though unfortunately, I don't see any of the spinners in that group now anymore.


Now, I see my name usually associated with the term SLS among newcoming spinners. Out of the many linkage videos out there in YouTube, I'd predict there are several reasons for this legacy.

  1. The series was shared through multiple mediums (reddit, social media, youtube reccomendations, forums, etc)
  2. Intermediate spinners from 3-4 years recommends this to beginners.
  3. Music selection/Editing

I have put the last reason, because I received a surprising amount of feedback regarding the music and presentation of the tutorial. Usually these feedbacks pointed out these aspects:

  • The soft, simple melody has faciliated concentration and did not hinder the learning process.
  • Demonstration+Slow Motion of the linkage through multiple angles was good.
  • FS using the linkage at the end of the video was good reference.
  • The little comments in the demonstrations were memorable.
  • Short duration, easy to repeat.


I'd suppose, whatever linkage videos there are out now, they usually do not carry much of these attributes in their video. Which brings me to a thought of effective pen spinning linkage tutorials.


To put this clear, penspinning trick tutorials are to be separated from linkage videos. I think trick tutorials carry different weight in their purposes, and comparing the successful attributes of a trick tutorial to a linkage tutorial is erratic by the nature of the video. Trick tutorials are essentially the blocks of what you need to build a freestyle. On the other hand, linkage tutorials are teaching how to use those blocks to build something in many ways possible. 


With this being said, it would be safe to assume that people, who are watching linkage tutorials, have already went through a series of trick tutorials and feel like they are ready to move to the next step. This step, unfortunately, is where it seperates whether you will become a potential spinner or just an individual who was just interested for a moment.


And these potential spinners would presumable need these attributes to learn new linkages after learning tricks.

  • A good demonstration of the linkage, one from an angle from 1st person point of view, and multiple others good angles.
  • Minimal/No talking, this is to avoid the confusion that spinners tend to have when they think they can listen to the tutorial without watching the video. Also to avoid additional information from talking that hinders the learning process
  • Short, concise, and presentable.


When spinners want to learn, they would ought to learn, and they should have developed some independence into their spinning. And I think these attributes would be helpful for spinners who are going for the next step.


Obviously, there are many flaws in my SLS, that could have been improved at the time. Personally I would have liked to improve these points of my SLS

  1. Better camera quality- the video is not bad, but not up to the standards of video quality these days. Thus, does not look very appealing for a general audience.
  2. Accurate breadown- I recognized this very late, for that I was using the JEB breaddown system. Thankfully, many spinners have corrected this in multiple places.
  3. Better spinning- this is just me self-deprecating myself.
  4. Appealing setup- I usually had dark setups because I did not like how my fingers were shown in the camera frame, but surely I could prevent that by improving my spinning.


So what?

Does this mark a possibility that I might continue or restart the whole series? The answer to that is unfortunately no. There has been many times that I wanted to remake the series into a higher quality, and put a UPSB brand in the series to facilitate community interaction. However, the nature of my work that I want to do will not allow me to commit much time into any other hobbies. With little time as a undergraduate now, I think remaking or continuing the series is not too effective. After all, I did not intend the SLS to be some automatic machine that spews out tutorials endlessly that will interrupt the creative process of spinners creating their own linkages.


Penspinning, at its core, is an artform (or what wikipedia describes a 'manipulative arts'). I enjoy the diversity and range of spinners that there are out in the world. As long as there are some new stimulating works of spinners that still reach within my knowledge, I will adhere to this belief and thus stay in the community.



Until then,
